• Product Features
  • Product Specification
  • Clinical Trial
  • Product Information

Nitinol wire frame coated with Titanium Nitride (TiN)

Decrease the dissolution of nickel ion efficiently, expected safe long-term biocompatibility.

Promote the growth of endothelial tissue, lessen thrombus complication.

Superior superelastic, effectively reduce atrioventricular block occurrence.

Nickel ion concentration in whole blood                                  Nickel ion concentration in endocardium

D.Y. Zhang, W.J. Zeng, Z.J. Zi, and P.K. Chu, Fabrication of graded TiN coatings on nitinol occluders and effects on in vivo nickel release, Materials Science and Engineering C. 29 (2009), 1599-1603.


Cera Animal Study: Compared to Nitinol occluder, the Cera occluder have demonstrated that faster and better growth of endothelial cell and lower risk of thrombus formation. 

Strategic Membrane Selection

The ASD/PFO covered by a PET membrane that minimizes the chance of clot formation and has a small volume to get into lower profile sheath.

The VSD/PDA occluder covered with a PTFE membrane, which has a denser structure suited for high pressure defect.

Conform anatomical features of the defect, providing optimal design

3 types of peri-membranous VSD and a muscular VSD devices designed for different kind of VSD.

The ASD waist diameter available ranging from 6 to 42 mm, and the PDA occluder ranging from 0406 to 2224.

ASD Occluder Device Information intended for Patients


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


A patient after being implanted with the ASD Occluder can be safe to have MRI procedure under the following conditions:

-         Static magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla or less

-         Spatial gradient filed of 680Gauss/cm

-         Maximum whole-body-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2W/kg for 15 minutes of scanning


Expected Lifetime of ASD Occluder Device

The ASD Occluder is a permanently implanted device. Under normal circumstances, it will stay in the patient's body for life, unless it is required to be removed by the physician’s professional judgment.



It is important to schedule regular follow-up visits with your doctor. Follow-up visit will help the doctor to check your heart on a regular basis. The follow up visit should be performed at 24 hours, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after the procedure, and can be adjusted by the doctor depending on your condition.


Material/Substances in Contact with Patient

The Occluder implants are composed of

-         NiTi (80%-95%), stainless (2%-20%), PA (0.1%-0.8%), PET (1.2%-8.9%) in HeartR ASD occluder;

-         NiTi (80%-95%), TiN (~0%), stainless (2%-20%), PA (0.1%-0.8%) and PET (1.2%-8.9%) in Cera ASD occluder;

-         NiTi (85%-98%), TiN (~0%), PA (0.2%-1%), PET (2%-15%) in Ceraflex ASD occluder.

During the intended use, heart (atrium), left superior pulmonary vein, femoral vein as well blood will come in contact with the device.

Note: If you have a history of metal allergies, you should ask your doctor. Your doctor will help you decide whether it is appropriate for you to get an occluder.

The occluders do not contain medicinal substances, animal or human tissue; they are no blood products and are not radioactive.


Document No: LT-TS-03IC V1.1 / 2022.12.08

CeraTM ASD Occluder

Cat.No Waist   Diameter (mm)  Right Disc Diameter (mm) Left Disc Diameter (mm)Waist   Length (mm)Minimum   Recommended Sheath Size SteerEaseTM (Fr.)Minimum Recommended Sheath Size Fustar™ (Fr.)

Cera™ Clinical study in China:

Principal Investigator: Zhang Zhiwei, MD, FACC, Guangdong Cardiac Institute.

Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Cera™ septal defect occluder for congenital cardiac detect: A multicenter, randomized and controlled clinical trial.

- 11 medical centers,460 cases enrolled (231 Cera™, 229 HeartR™).

- Follow up endpoint: 1, 3, 6, 12 months.

Study conclusion:

The success rate of immediate complete occlusion with Cera™ occluder is higher than 97.8%.

The results showed that the incidence of residual shunt were relatively less.

The arrhythmia incidence in Cera group is lower than that in HeartR group which as much as 36%.

Cera™ PM-VSD clinical study in Brazil:

Principal Investigator: Doctor Raul Arrieta and tutored by Doctor Carlos Pedra.

Prospective, multicenter, non randomized study.

Starting on November 2010.

3 Brazilian institutions, 56 patients.

Follow up endpoint: 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months.

Initial Result:

The percutaneous closure of peri-membranous ventricular septal defect with Cera™ Device has showed a safe effect with excellent immediate occlusion and low complication.